Back to School
It’s the most wonderful time of the year……for parents, back to school time. Coming off of a few months of fun in the sun with no school means the season of change has come. Now that the summer is coming to an end, it's time to switch up your haircare routine. The cooler fall weather brings dry, cold air, which can make your hairdo brittle, and totally unmanageable. But fear not, with the changing of the seasons comes new opportunities. There is something exhilarating about getting that new fresh for fall look. Nothing says new freshness & new style like a new haircut.
Time for a Trim - You should get a haircut to clean up your ends every 4 to 6 weeks. A summer of sun exposure can leave your hair damaged and fried. Get your haircut at least a week before school starts. Practicing a new style may take a few days to perfect, and getting a haircut in advance allows time to create different looks.
Rethink Moisturizing – The colder autumn air can zap the moisture from your hair & scalp. It is recommended to perform a deep conditioning every 2 weeks. This will help contest the inevitable hat hair. Performing this process will strengthen hair bonds and leave your hair shining.
Invest in Products - Heat-activated tools can cause all sorts of damage during the colder months. So, you should add a few protectant products (spray, serum, mousse, or cream) to your fall/winter haircare arsenal. Investing in a good hair oil will maintain moisture and manageability of your styles. The colder weather always comes and being proactive is better than reactive.
Invest in Shampoos & Conditioners for the Cold - Taking care of dry winter hair starts in the shower. A great hydrating shampoo infuses moisture into your hair in the very place that you start to strip your natural moisture away. Another great tip is using a dry shampoo. The less you wash your hair the less it gets dried out. Using a dry shampoo/conditioner when you feel a little oil & grease build up will balance both worlds.
For more tips, visit any one of our locations and our guy smart stylists will be all too happy to assist with any further questions you may have!